Getting There

How do I get to the hotel?

Where is the hotel?

Bedford Hotel & Congress Center

Zuidstraat 135, 1000 Brussel.

Rue du Midi 135, 1000 Bruxelles.

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By plane

  1. Take a plane to Brussels Airport.
  2. Walk to the Brussels Airport-Zaventem station.
  3. Take the train from Brussels Airport-Zaventem to Brussels Central Station. There's a train every 15 minutes.
  4. Walk to the Bedford Hotel & Congress Centre.

    All travel instructions and actual timetables for the train system (depending on your location) can be found on the Belgian Train website.

By train

  1. Take the train to Brussels Central Station.
  2. Walk to the Bedford Hotel & Congress Centre.

    All travel instructions and actual timetables for the train system (depending on your location) can be found on the Belgian Train website.

By car

  1. The hotel is located in the center of Brussels, which means you have to cross the LEZ (Low Emission Zone). This means that older cars, diesel cars, and other very polluting cars can’t enter the city. Registration is mandatory for all vehicles registered abroad (except for vehicles registered in The Netherlands). Not doing so can lead to big fines (350 euros). More info at
  2. The parking at the hotel is called Parking Panorama and is owned by the city. Normal price is €16, but Flüüfff attendees can go for €13 per day. Ask for the reduction at the hotel reception! Parking spots are very tiny and the parking isn’t that big!

    Safe travels! Be sure to check out the driving rules of Belgium, they can be quite complicated! Good luck!

    Urban speed limit for Belgium is 50kph. Rural speed limit for Flanders is 70kph. Rural speed limit for Wallonia is 90kph.

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Website created by Felikx & Bleats
Translations by Aelkan, Alex, Dacia, Jinx McKenzie, Milo'Clock, Rune & Tach
Pictures by Axel, Chip, Atien & Shiro
Art by Felikx (3D model) & Vincent (social media preview)
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